Anchor line, lead-free, white-green, Sandi

2999.00 kr4359.00 kr

  • Anchor line without leaded weights
  • An environmentally friendly alternative to leaded anchor line
  • Comes assembled with swivel
  • Multiple dimensions to fit most windlasses
  • Polyester cover for long life
        array(2) {
  array(3) {
    string(5) "12-mm"
    string(5) "14-mm"
    string(5) "16-mm"
  array(1) {
    string(4) "50-m"
Choose Diameter & Length
  • 12 mm50 m

    In stock

  • 14 mm50 m

    In stock

  • 16 mm50 m

    In stock

SKU: N/A Category:

Lead-free anchor line with full-length weight – Perfect for windlasses!

For too long our lakes have been subject to leaded anchor lines! Something that has been overlooked long enough because there has never been a satisfying and affordable alternative. Thanks to the Sandi anchor line, you can switch to an environmentally friendly alternative with a clear conscience. This lead-free anchor line is suitable for those with a windlass or automatic winch. The line runs easily in the winches and settles nicely in the well.

An anchor line with weight from sand, iron powder and thermoplastic

Instead of filling the rope with lead weights, we have filled it with sand, iron powder and thermoplastic to bind everything together. We then melt this down into a mixture. This means you get an anchor line as heavy as a classic leaded one, but with no negative impact on the environment.

A leaded anchor line can be harmful to the water as soon as you use it. If the lead is not properly encapsulated, it will damage the water as soon as you anchor for the first time.

Of course, the Sandi anchor line is not only a good product from an environmental point of view. It works just as well as you would expect from a new anchor line. The cover of the Sandi is made of UV-treated durable polyester that will last many years on your boat.

Swivel instead of a thimble

Instead of using a thimble and shackle at one end of the rope, we have chosen a swivel instead. A swivel prevents the anchor line from twisting when you anchor off. The swivel allows the anchor or drag to rotate while the anchor rope remains stationary.

Sandi comes in dimensions from 12-16mm and in the ideal length of 50m.

Additional information
Weight N/A

12 mm


14 mm


16 mm




50 m







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PolyRopes is our rope and cord brand and is associated with expertise, availability, flexibility and quality. We offer ropes and cords, boat ropes with accessories, dog leashes, lead ropes, climbing ropes and safety ropes.

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