Hem / Shop / Boat Accessories / Anchors / Claw anchors / Anchor FORCE hot-dip galvanized Bruce-copy
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Anchor FORCE hot-dip galvanized Bruce-copy

374.00 kr1499.00 kr

0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc
  • Hot-dip galvanized
  • 5 year guarantee
  • Cast as one singular piece, no joints or seams
  • Available in 5 kg, 7,5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg and 20 kg
  • ”Good result, significantly better than the original!” according to the Kryssaklubbens test of anchors
        array(1) {
  array(5) {
    string(9) "5-0-kg-en"
    string(9) "7-5-kg-en"
    string(10) "10-0-kg-en"
    string(10) "15-0-kg-en"
    string(10) "20-0-kg-en"
5.0 kg
7.5 kg
10.0 kg
15.0 kg
20.0 kg
Choose Model
  • 5.0 kg

    In stock

  • 7.5 kg

    In stock

  • 10.0 kg

    In stock

  • 15.0 kg

    In stock

  • 20.0 kg

    In stock

SKU: N/A Category:

Bruce anchors / plough anchors / M-anchors – hot-dip galvanized steel

Bruce anchors are an all-around solution suitable for most types of bottoms. Manufactured from hot-dip galvanized steel and cast in one piece (no weakening joints), this anchor is extra durable and long-lasting even in tough marine environments. It’s not just its functional properties that make it an excellent choice for boat owners. Bruce anchors also add aesthetic beauty on board. Its shiny surface makes it gleam and shine, adding a touch of elegance to the boat. Its shiny surface makes it gleam and shine, adding a touch of elegance to the boat.

To achieve the best possible grip, we recommend combining the Bruce anchor with our anchor line Synsten. The weight and strength of the chain help improve the anchor’s grip and resistance to forces such as wind and currents. Together, they form a powerful combination to secure your boat in place and provide you with peace of mind under all conditions.

Our Force anchor received a very good rating in the Swedish Cruising Club’s test of anchors for the Bohuslän coast: “Good results, significantly better than the original!”
Read the full test from SXK

5 year guarantee. Hot Dip Galvanized anchor

Anchor weight
Boat weight Boat length Anchor weight
2.0 tonnes 7,0 m 5,0 kg
3.5 tonnes 9,0 m 7,5 kg
6.0 tonnes 11,0 m 10,0 kg
10.0 tonnes 12,5 m 15,0 kg
20.0 tonnes 14,5 m 20,0 kg
Additional information
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A



5.0 kg


7.5 kg


10.0 kg


15.0 kg


20.0 kg

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