Flag Halyards - Let's celebrate all holidays together

Flag halyards are ropes used to hoist flags on flagpoles or flag lines. They are typically made of a rope strong enough to carry the weight of the flag, while being soft enough to handle without causing damage to the hands. Our flag halyards come in various thicknesses and materials depending on the needs. Typically, they are made of UV-treated polyester or polypropylene, which is a strong and durable material that can withstand exposure to weather and wind without losing quality.

When you choose to purchase flag halyards from us, you get:

  • A reliable supplier with over 55 years of rope experience.
  • A wide range tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Flag halyards made of high-quality materials.
  • The right type of flag halyard for the right purpose.
  • A warehouse with over 4000 ropes.

This is how you do it

To use a flag halyard, you attach one end of the line to the flag and the other end to the flagpole or flag line. Then you pull on the flag halyard to hoist the flag up the mast. When you want to lower the flag, you pull in the opposite direction to lower it.

Right length of flag halyards

It is important to have the right length of flag halyard to be able to hoist the flag to the right height while avoiding the line hanging loosely. Typically, you will need a flag halyard that is about twice as long as the flagpole or flag line itself, depending on how high you want to hoist the flag.

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Hem / Ropes / Leisure ropes / Flag halyards