Polyester rope - durable, flexible and versatile

A polyester rope can be used almost everywhere. This is a type of rope that is durable, flexible and very versatile. Our customers use this type of rope for, among other things, pull and lift ropes, exercise machines and much more.

When you choose to buy polyester rope from us, you get:

  • Over 55 years of product expertise. We know all about ropes!
  • A range of polyester ropes that few can match!
  • Products made in the EU.
  • The right product for your needs.
  • Fast delivery and the possibility of making special adaptations
  • One of Europe's largest warehouses filled with all types of ropes.

Polyester ropes for different types of projects

Polyester rope has the great advantage of being tough, durable and able to withstand a lot of wear and tear. That is why this type of rope can be used on construction sites as well as at sea. Polyester ropes are also popular for use in theatre construction and the like. Thanks to our long experience with rope in all its forms, we can always help you recommend the right type of rope for the right occasion.

The right product for your needs

We always focus on the customer. We understand exactly how important it is to find the right type of polyester rope. Different types of rope are good in different ways. A polyester rope can be used for everything from tying down a large tent to hoisting branches from a tree.

So if you want a rope supplier that is reliable and knowledgeable about ropes, choose us! With our long experience, you can feel safe and secure when taking on your project!

Fast delivery and wide range of products

With over 55 years of experience in the rope industry, we are something of an old hand in the business. You can rest assured that we deliver high quality products; fast, smooth and convenient for you. We are also happy to provide customised solutions for your project. Our large warehouse is located in Vårgårda, just north of Gothenburg.

Marinblå 4mm 12 m detaljbild
Hem / Ropes / Synthetic ropes / Polyester