Soft and tightly braided work rope for Arborists and Rope-Access.
Static 12 is a climbing rope for Rope Access and Arborists. The rope is a 1891 Type-A
This static climbing rope is an excellent choice for you who want a long lasting and appordable workrope. The rope has a 48-braided sheat that will make the rope very pleasant to work with.
High breaking strength, low elongation and extremely durable
Tendon Static 12.0 is a kernmantle rope. Wich means that the core is build up wither severals paralell cores that will result in a rope with high strenght, but without making the rope heavy.
Thanks to the climbing ropes diameter there is a lot of gear and devices that works great together with Tendon Static 12.0
This climbing rope is sold in cut lenghts but can also be bought on spools. Contact us for more info.
Static rope 12mm Tendon Static has certification: EN 1891A. CE 1019