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The unleaded buoy line O-Boj

979.00 kr1699.00 kr

  • Lead-free buoy line
  • Combined floating and sinking line
  • Easy to handle
  • Breaking strength: 3000 kg
        array(1) {
  array(3) {
    string(3) "5-m"
    string(4) "10-m"
    string(4) "15-m"
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Buoy line O-Boj – A lead-free alternative that is gentle on our waters!

The O-Boj buoy line is the perfect choice for those who want a lead-free buoy line. Instead of using lead as the weight of the line, we have combined two different lines with both floating and sinking characteristics. One part of the line is specially made of Polystar, which floats in water. The second part is made of sinking polyester. This gives you a line that is kind and gentle to both the water and the seabed, as well as being easy to handle.

A buoy line that is easy to handle

The yellow part of the rope is made of polypropylene and is the part you attach to the stone at the bottom. Because it’s floating, you don’t need to use floats, which can easily break under pressure. The white part of the line made of polyester is the one you attach to the buoy. As it sinks, it stays under your buoy.

Mounting the buoy line is very easy with the help of two supplied shackles at each end. The ends of the buoy rope that run through the shackles are equipped with wear protection, which protects the rope from abrasion. You can also adjust the length of the buoy line if necessary using a PolyRope splice. An extra cable tie is included in case you need to cut the existing cable tie around the wear guards.

This is how the buoy line works:

Bojlina o-boj illustration huvudbild ny polyropes

The buoy line consists of two lines sewn together: a white polyester line that sinks in water and a yellow polypropylene line that floats in water. The white part is attached to the buoy and the yellow part is attached to the buoy stone on the bottom.

1. To weigh down the buoy, you can attach a piece of chain between the buoy and the buoy line.

2. Near the buoy is a shackle. In the shackle, the polyester rope is attached to its own part through the shackle with wear protection and a cable tie.

3. The polyester rope is spliced with a PolyRopes splice that you can easily undo to adjust the length of the rope. An extra cable tie is included in case you need to cut the existing one when adjusting the length. Want to know how to make a PolyRopes splice? Click here

4. The two lines are sewn together in the centre with our own patented seam.

5. The yellow part of the rope is made of polypropylene that floats in water. You attach this part to the buoy on the bottom. The line will float up a bit, protecting the bottom vegetation from damage. This end, too, consists of a shackle through which the polypropylene rope runs on its own, a wear protection and a cable tie. But instead of a PolyRopes splice, this end is secured by our patented seam.


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Additional information
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A



5 m


10 m


15 m



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PolyRopes is our rope and cord brand and is associated with expertise, availability, flexibility and quality. We offer ropes and cords, boat ropes with accessories, dog leashes, lead ropes, climbing ropes and safety ropes.

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